General Terms of Use
This present webpage and any pictured, verbal and sounded information (Data) are owned by CYCLOLAB, Ciklodextrin Kutató-Fejlesztő Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (Trade Registry No: 01-09-162381, Tax No: 10678970-2-43, Registered Seat: 1097 Budapest, Illatos út 7., Company) and are subject to the protection of intellectual property legislation. Any use of the Data outside this webpage in any method and form is subject to the preliminary written approval of the Company. Shall the author’s rights or neighbouring rights be violated; the Company may initiate civil or criminal procedure and vindicate the damages.
The webpage is an information service webpage which contains the basic information concerning the Conference to be organized later on.
The task and aim of this webpage is to notify the applicants upon the information related to the organization of the Conference by means of bulletins sent to the provided e-mail addresses in the future.
The bulletins do not contain any further information beyond the information in connection with the Conference and do not contain or transmit commercials.
This webpage shall remain active until the Conference’s webpage commences its activity.
On all matters regarding this webpage the laws of Hungary shall be applied and the Hungarian Courts having their jurisdiction and sphere of authority under the general rules may decide.